Joint Initiative on Social System Innovation

Joint Initiative on Social System Innovation

A collaboration between NUS Enterprise, the entrepreneurial arm of the National University of Singapore (NUS), and Base of Pyramid Hub (BoP Hub), the Joint Initiative on Social System Innovation (JISSI) is a venture building and acceleration platform dedicated to learning, applying and scaling new ideas generated through systems thinking. The JISSI aims to tackle complex global challenges and enable transformative change through social systems innovation.

For latest updates on the JISSI, please follow it on FacebookInstagram and LinkedIn.

For any enquiries on the JISSI, please email for more information.

Supported Incubatees  

Under the NUS Resilience and Growth (R&G) Innovation Challenge, five project teams were selected and are working on their ideas as incubatees of the JISSI. The five teams are:

1. Casapro

Founded on an “of the people, by the people, for the people” model, CasaPro aims to build an F&B platform co-operative where home-based business owners or “homepreneurs” can showcase their products. This integrated system will help homepreneurs with order management, delivery scheduling, and payment handling. Through this, healthy competition is encouraged, giving them the impetus to improve their business, while ensuring maximum benefit is directed to the people who need it.

CasaPro is contributing to this Sustainable Development Goal (full list here):


Understanding the need for an eco-friendly, effective and cost-efficient solution, Eco-enzyme aims to reduce the likelihood of algal bloom in Singapore by introducing eco-enzymes as an alternative means to water treatment. This combines nature’s technology with an innovative business model to restore balance in ecology and improve the quality of life.

Eco-enzyme is contributing to this Sustainable Development Goal (full list here):

3. Hexagri

To enhance global food security, HexAgri introduces the use of an ultra-yield, sustainable, rapidly deployed vertical growing system where green leafy vegetables are produced in high volumes rapidly while combating wicked problems from current agricultural methods. Upon successful implementation around the communities in the future, estates can expect more greenery and opportunities to engage in recreational farming to destress and gain new skills.

HexAgri is contributing to these Sustainable Development Goals (full list here):

4. Homebase

HomeBase aims to be the solution that enables entrepreneurs to operate their home-based business professionally and effectively, and thrive through change and uncertainty during and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic. This is done via the HomeBase application that will oversee a database of 1,000 home bakers and help them manage their finances and operational processes.

To learn more about HomeBase, visit:

HomeBase is contributing to this Sustainable Development Goal (full list here):

5. Nyawa

Nyawa brings life to agro-rural communities by creating sustainable livelihoods through the production and commercialisation of non-traditional agro-based eco-friendly products.

Nyawa is contributing to these Sustainable Development Goals (full list here):