Corporate Partnerships

Why Partner NUS Enterprise?

Over the years, NUS Enterprise has cultivated strong partnerships with multinational companies and large local enterprises, to foster innovation and grow the entrepreneurial ecosystem.

Benefits of collaborating with NUS Enterprise include:

  1. Access to NUS technologies and IPs for innovation
  2. Matching of deeptech and innovative solutions to solve business challenges
  3. Access to NUS talent pool
  4. Access to our global network of start-ups and ecosystem partners
  5. Executive education and training in innovation and enterprise

As part of our mission to cultivate entrepreneurial and innovative mindsets, NUS Enterprise is here to partner with you and tailor Innovation Programmes catered to your specific business needs. Three of our programmes - TechShare, StartupShare and Innovation Workshops - aim to enhance your knowledge in the innovation arena, seek curated solutions to address corporates' business challenges, and foster a culture of innovation for your organisation.

If you would like to partner with NUS Enterprise, tap on our expertise for your innovation needs, or enquire about our Innovation Programmes, contact us at the link below:

Friends of NUS Enterprise

* indicates required
Corporate Partnerships v2

Current and Past Initiatives