NUS Enterprise@Singapore Science Park

NUS Enterprise@Singapore Science Park is a partnership between NUS Enterprise and Capitaland to spearhead Singapore’s first Deep Technology Hub in Singapore Science Park. By fostering a community of deep technology start-ups and connecting corporates to the talents, research capabilities, and technologies of NUS, it aims to cultivate and aggregate a vibrant tech ecosystem and community towards disruptive innovations.

What is unique about NUS Enterprise@Singapore Science Park?

Unique Focus on Deep Technology

  • NUS Enterprise@Singapore Science Park will be the nucleus that allows for translation and commercialisation of deep technology - technological advancements that are unique, protected and/or hard to reproduce.
  • The differentiating factor of this facility is its collective knowledge in industrial design, testing and quality control, as well as scalable manufacturing. Through aggregating a community of hardware-associated corporate and research partners, as well as venture capital funds and supporting service providers, it provides pivotal support in advancing innovation.
  • Our start-ups cluster around four key verticals: Food, Agri & Aqua tech, Future Health, Sustainable Solutions, Connected Devices.

Strategic Location

Strategically located within the Singapore Science Park, it leverages the synergies and resources within the vicinity, which includes

  • A ready pool of talent, research capabilities, technologies and expertise in technology translation and commercialisation from the adjacent National University of Singapore and National University Hospital
  • The global mix of corporate tenants already within Singapore Science Park as well as the surrounding area
  • The thriving start-up ecosystem located on NUS Campus and at One-North

Proven Track Record

  • NUS Enterprise@Singapore Science Park benefits from the complementary strengths of NUS Enterprise in catalysing innovation and entrepreneurship as well as Capitaland in providing sustainable urban solutions for communities at work and play.

To find out more about NUS Enterprise@Singapore Science Park and stay updated on the happenings:

Check out the following start-ups currently incubating with us!

Read more about our start-ups from NUS Enterprise@Singapore Science Park: