Innovation with Societal Impact

Innovation with Societal Impact

Innovation with Societal Impact (ISI) is a cross-division team established by NUS Enterprise to educate, engage and empower the social impact technology ecosystem to scale in Asia. This includes the provision of domain expertise for programmes and events that:

  • Educate: Raise awareness about societal impact I&E, develop capabilities to create sustainable societal impact.
  • Engage: Engage start-ups and founders for community-led initiatives.
  • Empower: Support the entrepreneurial journey of innovators creating societal impact.

ISI initiatives include:

Interested to work with us on (1) Community Partnerships, (2) Start-up Support or (3) Corporate Innovation? Please write to us at

Our Events

N-Novate Challenge Demo Day

N-Novate was N-House's first-ever hackathon-style event where a total of 10 teams shared ideas they have been working on  to a live audience and judges. These ideas were geared towards solving circular economy issues and addressing the SDG goals which have become rising concerns across the globe. Through this platform, teams were encouraged to share innovative ideas in a stimulating, strong entrepreneurial environment.

Click on thumbnail above to view


Groundbreakers: Meaningful Impacts

An innovation workshop hosted by Hugh Mason on the topic of successfully ideating profitable businesses with lasting impacts. Over the course of 3 hours, event participants will take part in hands-on activities with their teams. This includes a segment where participants will try to solve problems in groups, and Hugh will be guiding them through the process.

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