
Importing Lives via Access to Clean Water

"What keeps us motivated is knowing that what we do has direct impact on saving and improving lives"

- David Pong, Co-founder of WateROAM

​Brought together through a common vision that "no man shall face prolonged thirst," NUS students David Pong, Vincent Loka and Lim Chong Tee came together in 2014 to form WateROAM. They designed a simple, portable, durable and affordable water filtration system, enabling populations affected by natural disasters to convert unsafe water into potable water within mere minutes. This can not only reduce the risk of disease from drinking unclean water, but also promote rural development by empowering individuals to set up micro-businesses selling clean water within their community.

​NUS Enterprise has provided key support to the start-up through formal incubation, mentorship, and the Lean LaunchPad Singapore programme, the latter focusing on structured market validation and segmentation.

Working with local NGOs and governmental relief organisations, WateROAM has to date, provided more than 15,000 people in Cambodia, Indonesia, Nepal, Pakistan, Malaysia, Myanmar and Vanuatu with access to clean water. As the start-up continues to win numerous awards and grants, it is utilising its funding for further product development, prototyping and user testing.

"As we have been blessed to receive a strong education and access to an abundance of resources in Singapore, we feel that it is important to give back to those in need of clean drinking water," states WateROAM co-founder David Pong.

Singapore Humanitarian Water Filtration Design Competition Champion
Won Rising Hydropreneur Star Award at Singapore International Water Week


Asia Centre for Social Entrepreneurship (ACSEP) Investment-Worthy Social Enterprises Award
Awarded SG$50,000 SPRING Singapore ACE Startup Grant
Awarded SG$20,000 Singapore International Foundation Young Social Entrepreneur Grant
Awarded SG$10,000 NUS Innovation Practicum Grant
Shell LiveWire Top Winner Award


Participated in Lean LaunchPad Singapore programme
Won Most Investment Potential Award at Singapore International Water Week
Won Tech Planter Demo Day 2016 Singapore Award