
Creating A Better View

Brothers Teams up towards a Common Vision
In 2008, Wesley Oxenham conceptualised the idea to provide 3-D modelling solutions while being housed at Garag3, a technology business incubator supported by NUS Enterprise.  He combined his architectural skills gained from the NUS School of Design and Environment with the IT skills of his brother Oliver, a graduate of the NUS School of Computing, who also picked up entrepreneurial abilities through the NUS Overseas Colleges Programme.  The result is PeekSpy, which the Oxenham brothers co-founded with their friend Paymon Rasekhy to provide 3-D modelling techniques.

Making Visualisation a Reality
In the initial stage, Peekspy tested their 3-D modelling solution by building a 3-D model of the NUS Central Library, which allowed visitors to virtually browse the facilities, locate books and visit different areas.  Seeing the usefulness of this application, NUS commissioned Peekspy to develop similar models for five other NUS libraries.  Boosted by the positive response to their concept, Peekspy began developing their flagship product FanVenues intensively.

Global Impact in three short years
By 2010, they were selling the software globally.  Fanvenues was subsequently acquired in 2012 by StubHub, a subsidiary of eBay, and now has the potential to revolutionise the entertainment industry.

“I want all entrepreneurs here to know that such acquisition deals are possible for Singapore-based companies. In just three years, we succeeded in building a company and product that is now making a global impact. And we did this without any grants or external funding – just by growing organically by ploughing our revenue generated back into the company,” said 30-year old Oliver Oxenham. “We hope to get involved with start-ups in Singapore – hopefully provide mentoring advice and possibly even seed funding to nurture the next generation of NUS start-ups.”

Oliver attended NUS Overseas Colleges programme at Silicon Valley


Oliver and Wesley graduated from School of Computing (2006) and SDE (2008) respectively


Peekspy was founded in 2008. Developed a prototype of an online 3D view of chosen seats in a venue at NUS Enterprise incubator at Prince Georges’ Park


First commercial project secured with NUS Central Library


Acquired by Stubhub, subsidiary of eBAY