
A Small Loan But A Big Impact

Milaap 2

It started with fights over water
It was a daily ritual for Murugayee in her village in India - standing in line for an hour to collect water from a public water supply. Fights, injuries and visits to the police station were common when the queues grew unbearably long. Finally driven by frustration to find a better solution, Murugayee, together with five neighbours, took up a loan to install a piped water connection to their homes. She is now repaying this loan via monthly instalments and enjoys a tremendous improvement in her quality of life.

Birth of Milaap
Such heart-warming stories have been made possible by Milaap, an online micro-lending platform that helps India’s working poor. It was set up by NUS School of Computing alumni Anoj Viswanathan and Sourabh Sharma, together with Mayukh Choudhury whom Anoj met while on internship in India. Milaap enables individuals to give micro-loans starting as low as $25. They can select a specific borrower or project to support and receive updates in terms of monthly repayments and loan utilisation. Once the loan is fully repaid, the lender can either choose to withdraw their capital or re-lend it to someone else, thus multiplying its impact. Milaap aims to improve the lives of the poor in India through empowering them in responsible ways. It was started with help from the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Practicum Grant from NUS Enterprise.

Pilot launch of Milaap with a small fundraising campaign of $5000
Received Innovation and Entrepreneurship Practicum Grant of $10,000


First platform to enable global microlending in India
Raised money from various angels and seed funds in Singapore, the US and India


Raised US$1.1M in Series-A funding from various investors
Over S$1 million has been loaned through Milaap’s platform for water & sanitation, clean energy, vocational training and small business loans - impacting more than 25,000 lives