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NUS Resilience and Growth Initiative: FAQs for Entrepreneurship Traineeship

NUS Resilience and Growth Initiative

The COVID-19 pandemic will weaken the job market, but students graduating from the National University of Singapore (NUS) this year will get a timely boost from their alma mater.

NUS is launching the ‘Resilience and Growth’ (R&G) Initiative, which offers: (1) 1,000 full-time salaried positions and paid traineeships in diverse professional roles in multiple fields; (2) a comprehensive suite of courses and programmes to sharpen graduates’ competencies. The Initiative provides meaningful employment and development opportunities so that NUS graduates can kick-start their careers and prepare themselves for exciting opportunities in the future.

For more information about the R&G Initiative, please visit http://www.nus.edu.sg/cfg/rg

FAQs for the Entrepreneurship Traineeship

As part of the NUS R&G Initiative, NUS Enterprise will be running the Entrepreneurship Traineeship programme, where trainees will work in teams with the purpose of turning an idea or technology into a business.

More details of the programme can be found here: http://www.nus.edu.sg/cfg/rg/traineeships/entrepreneurship

Below is a list of FAQs specific to the Entrepreneurship Traineeship. For generic FAQs, such as relating to stipends/CPF/benefits, etc, please refer to: http://www.nus.edu.sg/cfg/rg/traineeships/faqs

Application is now open and offers will be made on a rolling basis, until all traineeships are filled. All traineeships must commence by 30 December 2020.