
An essential tool for purpose-driven business planning

A successful social venture starts from a solid business model that enables it to have sustainable social impact. This usually involves plenty of in-depth planning, analysis and testing. The “Purpose-Driven Approach to Business Model Design” was developed by the NUS Entrepreneurship Centre to help you achieve this.

Adding to Alex Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur’s Business Model Canvas, the "Purpose Driven Approach to Business Model Design" is for entrepreneurs who seek to achieve social impact as their primary goal.


Through concrete examples of actual social ventures, this approach highlights:

  • How different business models can be developed to achieve social impacts​
  • How the financial requirements of a business model can be met with different financing models
  • How an appropriate stakeholder model that generates a “shared purpose” between social entrepreneurs and other stakeholders can help balance social impact and financing requirements

You are welcome to apply this analytical framework to your own social venture ideas, and use your new learnings in getting the right start for your business. See below for the SlideShare!