NUS Innovation Access Programme

Innovation Amplified

The NUS Innovation Access Programme (IAP) is a bespoke engagement framework designed to augment and enhance corporate innovation. The IAP is your gateway to a vibrant ecosystem of talent, technologies and startups at the National University of Singapore that can amplify your organisation’s innovation endeavours.

The IAP focuses on four clusters of innovation that are driving disruption across all aspects of modern life:

Connected Devices
Encompassing all facets of the Internet-of-Things (IoT) including hardware, connectivity, analytics, software, services and applications.

Future Health
Covering the latest trends, technologies and regulations in precision medicine, medical devices, personalized nutrition and diagnostics.

Smart Environments
Including advanced materials, sustainable urban technologies and state of the art environmental solutions that form the basis of new applications.

Food Tech
Spanning the intersection of food and technology, including the design and development of new food products, supply chains and business models.

​Email us to find out how the NUS Innovation Access Programme can support your company’s innovation efforts in these domains:


We host regular events focussing on technology translation and innovation management. Join us at these upcoming industry roundtable sessions to learn from and network with fellow corporate innovators.

To receive updates about our upcoming events, join our mailing list by contacting us

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Corporate Open-Innovation Clinic

Design Thinking, Lean Startup & Co-innovation Boosters for the Enterprise


Innovation is crucial for sustaining a company’s competitiveness in this age of constant, radical disruption. Yet, leading corporate innovation initiatives can often be an exercise in frustration. Novel ideas invariably face resistance from the established corporate order. Adequately resourcing development activity is also becoming a challenge even for the largest, most pedigreed of corporations.

The NUS Innovation Access Programme (IAP) and the designX Lab at Stanford University’s Center for Design Research (CDR) have teamed up to help corporate innovators triage their innovation endeavours. IAP-CDR will host a limited number of bespoke clinics for Singapore-based corporate innovation teams. The objective is to help these companies design targeted, evidence-driven innovation strategies, processes and structures that would best leverage the vibrant research and startup ecosystems in and around Singapore.


Each corporate team will be engaged individually in a half-day interactive workshop which will cover the following agenda:

Review of the company’s innovation goals and roadmap
Identification of internal capability & resource gaps
Scan of ecosystem to identify relevant external resources and partners
Recommendations for optimising the company’s open innovation platform


These IAP-CDR innovation clinics are provisioned free of charge, but sessions are limited. Register your interest to participate now:


​The National University of Singapore hosts a wide range of technology development programmes and a deep pool of entrepreneurial talent that can complement and supplement your innovation efforts.

Reseach & Development​​

Start-ups & Spin-offs


We engage our partners through bespoke collaborative projects that aim to accelerate their corporate innovation programmes.

IAP Partners


​Polygel generates new ideas…
"Polygel Innovations Pte. Ltd. has…found great value in the generation of new ideas, interaction with NUS faculty and experts, networking with other member companies and industry experts, and the use of state-of-the-art lab facilities and infrastructure at NUS departments. We feel certain that this ecosystem has the promise to create products, ideas and leaders to solve problems of present and future."
Luv Shah, CEO, Polygel

Veredus finds the right expertise…
"The IAP team were instrumental in overcoming our technical gap by quickly sourcing for the right expertise…which could potentially result in a differentiated product portfolio for Veredus Laboratories in the future."
Damian Foo (PhD), Senior Programme Manager, Veredus

Ecosperity funds translational research…
"Temasek Foundation Ecosperity champions liveability and sustainability. We recently funded a translational research of a project that came through the IAP. We hope the operational prototype produced will lead to the eventual commercialisation of the product developed by NUS."
Mr Lim Hock Chuan, Chief Executive, Ecosperity