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Kopi Chat Da Bao with SeventhSense.ai’s Varun Chatterji

Guts, Grit + Glory: What it's like bringing high-tech products to life

Join us online with a cup of kopi & hear our guest speaker spill the beans on how you can make bring your product to market from a technical perspective.

Extract experience and insights from Varun Chatterji, Co-founder of SeventhSense.AI, and ex-Chief Architect for TenCube

In the spotlight: Varun Chatterji

Varun is among the earliest batches of entrepreneurs emerging from the NUS startup ecosystem. Varun was a member of the 3rd batch of the NUS Overseas Colleges (NoC) programme at Silicon Valley (NUS collaboration with Stanford University).

After returning from the US, Varun teamed up with his fellow NoC-ian Darius and his faculty mate Rishi to found tenCube, which went on to become a pioneering company in the field of mobile security and was acquired by the US based McAfee in 2010.

After working at McAfee to ensure the successful integration of tenCube's core technology to form the new product McAfee Mobile security, Varun once more had the startup itch.

Now on his third company, Seventh Sense, a deep tech AI company funded by the likes of 500 Startups and Capvista, Varun has found an intersection of his interest in security, Machine Learning and Computer Vision.

In this catch up, Varun shares his journey as an entrepreneur, and hopes to leave you with a sense of the sorrows and joys of entrepreneurship - fitting for this climate?


BLOCK71 is an initiative by NUS Enterprise in collaborative and strategic partnerships with established corporates and government agencies. It is a technology-focused ecosystem builder and global connector which catalyses and aggregates the start-up community, as well as spearheads new initiatives and provides mentorship and growth opportunities in local and global markets. Learn more at block71.co

Wednesday, 06 May 2020 - Wednesday, 06 May 2020

12.30pm - 1.30pm


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