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Kopi Chat Da Bao with Feng Mengling, Chief Scientific Officer of FathomX

Join us online with a cup of kopi ☕ & hear our guest speaker spill the beans on the science and tech that are making a positive impact to the human body and his expertise on AI and analytics.

Extract experience and insights from Feng Meng Ling, Chief Scientific Officer of FathomX, Assistant Professor at NUS, Senior Assistant Director at NUH.


In the spotlight: Feng Meng Ling

Dr. Mengling ‘Mornin’ Feng is currently the Chief Scientific Officer of FathomX, an Assistant Professor at the National University of Singapore, and the Senior Assistant Director of National University Hospital championing the big data analytics efforts. Dr Feng is also an affiliated scientist with the Lab of Computational Physiology, Harvard-MIT Health Science Technology Division. His research is to develop machine learning algorithms to extract actionable knowledge from large amount of data to enable better quality of healthcare. His research brings together concepts and tools across deep learning, optimization, signal processing, statistical causal inference and big data management. Dr. Feng’s work was recognized by both well-established journals, such as Science Translational Medicine, JAMA and top international conferences, such as KDD, AAAI, MICCAI and AMIA. His team recently ranked number 2 in an international challenge on AI tools for medical image analysis. Dr. Feng works closely with clinicians aiming to develop and deploy the right AI solutions for more effective and cost-efficient care.

FathomX is a MedTech AI spin-off from the National University of Singapore and National University Health System that aims to deploy clinician friendly solutions to enhancing the existing workflow starting with our imaging AI solution to enhance breast cancer screening. We do this by implementing a range of deep learning tools to reduce screening time, enhance patient outcomes by reducing both false positive end negative rates and augment radiologists by allowing them to be more productive with the help of an AI Assistant.

The company is a portfolio company of the NUS Graduate Research Innovation Program (GRIP) as well as Medtech JUMPStart Program and is currently funded and supported by a number of organisations including the SG-MIT Alliance for Research & Technology and National Medical Research Council of Singapore. We also work closely with global solutions provider HP Enterprise to develop a range of technologies in the field of medical imaging.

Wednesday, 07 October 2020 - Wednesday, 07 October 2020



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