The Greater Bay Area

Guangzhou and Shenzhen

Are you ready to embark on a transformative entrepreneurial journey? Look no further than Guangzhou, a city that pulsates with the energy of innovation and offers a gateway to the Greater Bay Area's thriving startup ecosystem. With its strategic positioning, robust government support, and a wealth of opportunities, Guangzhou is the ultimate destination for aspiring entrepreneurs to unleash their startup potential and realise their dreams!

At the heart of the Greater Bay Area, Guangzhou is a pivotal hub and gateway for innovation and economic growth. In Guangzhou, one can gain access to a region brimming with opportunities to connect, collaborate, and thrive. The Greater Bay Area Initiative is transforming the region into a globally competitive tech and innovation hub, and Guangzhou plays a central role in this transformation.

Guangzhou's startup ecosystem is teeming with potential. With a robust infrastructure, abundant funding opportunities, and a diverse talent pool, the city provides the perfect playground for entrepreneurial growth. Collaborative spaces, incubators, and innovation parks create an environment that fosters creativity, collaboration, and networking.

Guangzhou beckons as a city of boundless possibilities, where innovation thrives, and dreams become reality. Join NOC Guangzhou today, and unlock your full entrepreneurial potential. The Greater Bay Area awaits your ideas, your passion, and your drive. Guangzhou is a place where innovation knows no limits.

Guangzhou – the journey of a lifetime!

Guangzhou ranks second in the Top Five Emerging Ecosystems

Xpeng, a Guangzhou startup gains green light for flying car

Startup Grind City Series, Guangzhou


Welcome to the Start-up City of China: Shenzhen; home city to Tencent, DJI, Huawei and OnePlus. Once dubbed as the manufacturing hub of the world, Shenzhen has transformed itself into the destination for entrepreneurs since its designation as China’s one of four Special Economic Region in 1980s. Since then, Shenzhen has created more than 20 unicorns and attracted techies from around the world and creates more than 1,000 start-up companies a day. In its core, constant innovation, lightning fast protoyping, rapid market penetration and the can-do spirit makes it the city where dreamers and makers create tomorrow’s cutting edge technology.

Experience the technological renaissance of Shenzhen today and discover the technology of tomorrow.

Visit NOC Shenzhen’s Instagram to find out more about the exciting programme.

Still unsure about Shenzhen? Why not hear it from these sources:

An exciting day for entrepreneurs in Shenzhen

What's Life Like in Shenzhen, According to an Israeli Who Sees Himself as a Local

Startups power Shenzhen's rise as high-tech hub  

The People's Republic of The Future by Bloomerg