
A city where tradition mixes with modernity, Munich has a vibrant start-up ecosystem making it extremely attractive for entrepreneurs. Beyond being associated with Oktoberfest, Munich is emerging as a significant tech hub and innovation ecosystem on the global stage. The city is home to many high-tech industries and scientific institutions, and start-ups that consist of a mix of small creative companies to hyper-growth scaleups in industries like transportation, health, software and data.

Video Credits: Munich, one of the most successful business locations in Europe

Robust support by Munich’s local government provided start-ups the infrastructure they need. With the Technical University of Munich (TUM) leading the way, the city’s institutes of higher education have anchored entrepreneurship in their courses of study to create the next generation of entrepreneurs. With such a strong ecosystem, Munich start-ups can grow healthily and become firmly established in their high-tech region.

Coming on the program for internship here in Munich will enable you to be immersed in the vibrant ecosystem where you can imbibe the entrepreneurial vibes of many aspiring entrepreneurs, intern at one of the deep technology start-ups, and be immersed in this extraordinary culture of curiosity and innovation.

Video Credits: Munich’s startup scene in 5 minutes

Read more:
What makes Munich a growing hotspot for innovation and entrepreneurship
Tour of Munich's startup scene -- written by NOC Munich students

Find out more about the students’ experiences:

Student Testimonials

Aakash V Raman
Aakash V Raman

NOC Munich Alumnus (Jul 2021), Faculty of Engineering, Year 4

Despite the rollercoaster of challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic, my NOC experience has left a remarkable impact on me by broadening my perspectives in several ways. I interned at HRForecast, a Human Resources technological startup, as a data management engineer, and worked on building and optimising their backend databases. Having collaborated with a multi-cultural team filled with bright personalities from Ukraine, Bremen and Munich, through open-minded conversations, I could bring my ideas to the table without hesitation and appreciate the impact that big data is having on today’s solutions. During the final stages of the programme, I was fortunate to have landed on-site at Munich and spent over a month gaining close insights on the founders’ journey, their challenges, and plans for the future of HR tech. Such a unique hybrid of a remote plus physical experience has sharpened my adaptability and truly pushed me out of my comfort zone. If you are looking for a similar eye-opening journey, I’d urge you to jump on the NOC Munich opportunity right away!

Ng Ting You (Chris)
Ng Ting You (Chris)

NOC Munich Alumnus (Jul 2021), School of Computing, Year 3

My hybrid internship experience with Erium was extremely fruitful and eye-opening for me. I was able to gain first-hand insights and experience a start-up that is growing and transitioning and be a part of business decisions and planning along my 6-month journey. In addition, I was able to further my own technical skillset at Erium, and with the right company, I was able grow both technically and business wise. While two-thirds of my internship was remote, there were no issues at all faced by my colleagues and myself. The last one-third of my internship in Munich physically was a fruitful one, allowing me to meet and network in-person with my colleagues. Despite all the uncertainty of Covid-19 and pandemic restrictions, NOC is still the best experience you can get to further your entrepreneurship skills and get first-hand experiences in this huge world of entrepreneurship while not neglecting your technical skills.

Abdulhusein Jabir Poonawala

NOC Munich Alumnus (Jan 2020), Faculty of Engineering, Year 4

Embarking on the NOC Munich journey was the most significant development step I have taken in my life. It has imbued in me an entrepreneurial spirit.  I interned at Hyperganic, a rapidly growing software start-up that develops voxel based 3D models which are highly complex in shape and structure. As an Application Development intern, I developed an array of technical skills to cater for user-centric product design and have gained an appreciation of the growing 3D printing industry. I had the opportunity to work in cross-disciplinary teams with international cultures and experienced the adrenalin of completing projects to committed timelines through out-of-the box thinking. Jump for this opportunity if you want to explore the thriving entrepreneurship world that is full of innovation and excitement!

Chong Yi Qiong
Chong Yi Qiong

NOC Munich Alumna (Jan 2020), School of Computing, Year 4

My internship with Wellabe, a Munich digital health startup, was an incredibly eye-opening experience. I gained insights into the startup ecosystem, as well as the art of managing and growing a startup. During the unprecedented time of the Covid-19 pandemic, I experienced first-hand how a startup needed to be agile to turn a crisis into an opportunity while navigating intense uncertainties. There were also many challenges and learning opportunities along the way to push myself further, and thanks to the flat hierarchy of the team, I was able to participate and even contribute in areas that were new to me, such as building a product strategy to reach our company goal. The NOC programme was definitely a fruitful experience for me and as long as you are willing to challenge yourself, I am sure that your takeaways from this experience will be remarkable as well.

Lim Wai Lun v2
Lim Wai Lun

NOC Munich Alumnus (Jan 2020), School of Computing, Year 4

I had the opportunity to be part of the amazing team at Agrando GmbH, a rapidly growing AgTech startup based in Munich. Working at Agrando was really eye-opening for me. I got to learn more about how a startup works through and through. I worked on a new product module and experienced its journey from the ideation phase to its first release to our users. It was also a place for me to learn to be more vocal about my ideas and be more confident of my skills. NOC was for me still a wonderful experience in spite of Covid-19, and I would definitely recommend it to anyone interested in a true startup experience.

Pratyay Jaidev v2
Pratyay Jaidev

NOC Munich Alumnus (Jan 2020), School of Computing, Year 4

Being a part of NOC Munich in the midst of a pandemic taught me what it truly meant to be adaptable and independent. While things were certainly different being in Singapore for the bulk of the programme and working remotely with a 6hr time difference, my Erium mentors and team supported me immensely in making the journey an edifying one. Beyond my primary role as a software engineer, I was also entrusted with the latitude to spearhead the conceptualization of a new software solution using design thinking which was a window into understanding how creating my own start-up would look like. If you’re looking for a sui generis experience at NUS, look no further than NOC!

Rafid Zuhayer Amin
Rafid Zuhayer Amin

NOC Munich Alumnus (Jan 2020), Faculty of Engineering, Year 4

As part of the NCMU program, I had to opportunity to work as a mechatronics intern at Tiliter, where I got to work with a diverse, yet brilliant minded people. It was an eye-opening experience working in Europe’s technology hub. As my start-up also has an office in Australia, I was blessed in getting the chance to collaborate with both offices in Munich and Australia. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, my stint at Munich was cut short. However, NOC managed the crisis really well and I continued the remaining time of my internship at Enbed, a NUS research spin-off start-up based in Singapore. Being a start-up at a very early stage, I had the opportunity to witness up-close and in-depth on how a start-up works and grows. My greatest takeaway from the NCMU program would be my batchmates, as we had grown a strong bond in a very short period of time. We had loads of banter, but when it was time to get things done, we did it efficiently and with quality."