NUS-SFA Aquatech Centre

A collaboration between NUS Enterprise and Singapore Food Agency, the NUS-SFA Aquatech Centre is an incubator and ecosystem builder that supports start-ups, entrepreneurs and researchers developing cutting-edge aquaculture innovation and technology.

The Centre, which is located on St John’s Island, focuses on connecting a vibrant community of Aquatech start-ups with industry partners to develop industry-based solutions to drive the future in high-tech aquaculture farming. It supports start-ups by providing them with a holistic environment to develop smart and innovative solutions, aquaculture 4.0 technologies, and sustainable solutions that increase farming productivity and efficiency.

Highlights of the NUS-SFA Aquatech Centre

Dedicated support for Aquatech start-ups

Strategic Partnership with Singapore Food Agency (SFA)

  • Access to technical expertise and collaborative opportunities with SFA, aquaculture companies/tenants on the island.
  • Work off-shore at SFA’s Marine Aquaculture Centre on St. John’s Island, which is equipped with specialised facilities and equipment for seawater/marine aquaculture applications.

A peek into the centre

Aquatech Centre: Seawater

Seawater access for research or commercial testing

Aquatech centre tank

Dedicated flow-through systems for upscaling and proof-of-concept testing

Agritech Centre: SFA Algae Room

Collaborative spaces with Singapore Food Agency

Photo courtesy of  St. John’s Island National Marine Laboratory
Photo courtesy of St. John’s Island National Marine Laboratory

Support from St. John’s Island National Marine Laboratory's facilities

Advantages for start-ups

lab research

Scaled-up testing/test-bed for off-shore, seawater/marine technologies/applications in industry setting


Access to technical expertise and collaborative opportunities with SFA, aquaculture companies and our NUS network