TechASEAN is built on an open-wiki platform that will eventually allow all players in the entrepreneurship ecosystem to own and update their profiles, including, in particular, their connections to other players. In the initial stages, TechASEAN is populated using information crawled from multiple public-domain sources. In the long term, the platform will be updated via real-time information “crowdsourcing”, which will be supplemented by a natural language processing (NLP) engine that is being developed to crawl the internet. The platform will also provide Application Program Interfaces (APIs) to automate and integrate information feed from partner organisations in the entrepreneurship ecosystem, such as profile updates, event announcements and press releases.
TechASEAN is powered by the proprietary APEIRO technology, co-developed by NUS Enterprise and NUS portfolio company Wonderlabs Pte Ltd. APEIRO is an infinitely flexible database engine that allows a data scientist to store, structure and capture data collected in a format that can be easily presented/analysed as a social graph.
TechASEAN also serves as a natural platform for engaging the entrepreneurship community via online surveys and sentiment polls, and for disseminating the survey findings back to the community.