Title: Studying the Role of the University in Knowledge Creation vs Commercialization Using Stokes’ Typology: Evidence from the National University of Singapore
Abstract: This paper proposes a means of operationalizing Stokes’ (1997) Quadrant Model by adapting an existing method in the literature (Baba et al. 2009; Shichijo et al. 2015). We apply our classification scheme to STEM faculty members at the National University of Singapore, assigning researchers to one of the four quadrants based on their publication citations, patenting and university-industry co-publications performance.
Publication: An earlier version of this paper was presented at New Metrics for Measuring University Innovation, Singapore, 11 August, 2016. An updated version of the paper was presented at a research workshop University-Industry Collaborations And Academic Entrepreneurship: East meets West, Bologna Business School, Italy, June 5-6 2017.
Authors: Wong, P.K., Singh, A., Tijssen, R. and Yegros, A.